"Shalom" and greetings to my non-jewish readers. As you may now know, we Malaysian Chinese have been equated to the jews in America by the "shmendrik" up north in Penang. Basically to recap, I am a jewish squatter in Malaysia with inferior rights in this country. "Oy veh" what will the "schmuck" comes up with next. Maybe the Chinese in Malaysia actually comes from space? Who knows... stranger things have happened. As I sit here typing this posting, no word yet on the "chutzpah's" fate. Hopefully the UMNO supreme council will do the right thing. What exactly is the right thing? To some, it might be detention under the ISA, to others might be rewarding him with a Tan Sri title. The right thing in my opinion is very simple, remove his tongue so he definately won't commit the same mistake again.
Anyways, I handed in my assignment yesterday. A bit late but its ok for me. To be honest, I have no problems when a guy says he is late, but when a girl tells me the same think, my heart will skip a beat. Back to the assignment. After submitting it, the senior coordinator, the delightful Joanne, returned me my 1st assignment with bold letters written on the cover "2nd submission. Return to student". For a moment I was out of it. I told Joanne that I submitted it only once. I did not submitted over the internet. So why is it being returned to me.
This is the sort of stuff that bothers me. I dedicated 1 whole month of my life on that assignment. No sleep, no social life and no tv (these things make me happy) only to find out I handed it in without me knowing. If I knew that I can magically hand it in, I would have spend more time in front of the tv. Now I have to wait patiently until they sort this issue out.
According to latest reports, Anwar Ibrahim's 916 plan is highly likely will not materialize. No big deal. Just do it a few days later. I honestly don't believe that the BN will permanently leave our MPs in Taiwan. They have to comeback someday. This issue is similar with the dutch tale regarding the kid who stuck his finger in the dyke (not that type of dyke) to prevent the leak to become worse and save the city. But in our case, no one is coming to help the BN. BN is the small boy. PR is the leak, but we the Rakyat is the sea behind the wall. This time the Rakyat will pour out from the leak and wash the filth we know as BN away.
( i ) Shalom -
Deep Peace( ii) Schmendrik -
A jerk, a stupid person(iii) Oy veh -
Exclamation of dismay, grief, or exasperation(iv) Chutzpah -
Nerve, extreme arrogance, brazen presumption.
Dear Tun
I believe that it is not the non-Malays'choice to retain their root identities; they were force to do so because they have been kept reminded by the government's actions all these years through the NEP where almost every opportunities ie government jobs, bumi rights, business assistance, education, etc are accorded to the Malays. The non-Malays have been reminded constantly that they do not have equal rights. Now, how can they be blamed now for being accused of retaining their roots? Besides, isn't this what the government has been promoting overseas that Malaysia is a multi-cultural country to attract tourism? Selamat berpuasa Tun and family.
That my friends are my exact sentiments. 2020 my ass.