Tuesday, September 16, 2008

916 has come and gone. What's next?

A lot of Malaysians waited with baited breathe, waiting and hoping for any news regarding Anwar Ibrahim's declaration of a change in government. Truth to be told, I was not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I am a strong proponent in changing the current government. I felt the current government has lost its way and honestly, it feels as though there is no government at the moment. Everyone is just playing politics.

So 916 has come and gone. So what's next? One thing we shouldn't do is sit around and do nothing. Here are some reasons why:-
  1. Hindraf 5, Teresa Kok and Raja Petra is still detained under the ISA.
  2. Racist and divisive behaviour is still condoned by the PM.
  3. Narrow-minded and immoral ministers such as Syed Hamid and Ahmad Zaid Hamidi are still in power. ( Ahmad Zaid Hamidi was a former ISA detainee, now he is a strong proponent of ISA)
  4. Mahathir is still allowed to make racist and divisive comments on his blog. So former Prime Ministers can play up racial issues but RPK is arrested.
  5. Towing the party line is more important than the countries well-being. (Zaid Ibrahim, I salute you!)
The BN led government practices hiprocracy to the highest order. So should we just forget about changing the government? You be the judge.....

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