Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Silliness of Our Home Minister.......

To the relief of the nation, Sin Chew Jit Poh reporter, Tan Hoon Cheng has been released from ISA today. Theresa Kok and RPK however will be detained for the full 60 days period.

The best of it is Syed Hamid Albar, the son of Syed Albar ( alleged Malay extremist who planned racial riots in Singapore back in the 60's : according Lee Kuan Yew) claims that the order to detain the 3 did not come from him. The police supposedly took these actions on their own. Since when are we a police state? Police detaining individuals on their own perogative...... sounds a bit like the Gestapo, don't you think?

Furthermore, Tan was detained under the ISA because the police feared that her life is in danger...... doesn't make much sense. IF someone is in danger and the police have such information, why can't the police detain those who wish to inflict danger to Tan? Why not send some officers to protect her. Maybe these are the asian values we talk about. Arrest the victim and ignore the threat. Imagine if someone want to assasinate the American president, the FBI arrests the president under the Patriots Act and ignore the threats made againts him. Make sense? Sure does according to our dearly beloved Home Minister.

Free RPK and Theresa Kok now and we will let you pack your bags full of illegally gotten gains and flee the country. We will have a new government. It is the Rakyats' will.


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