Friday, September 12, 2008

Ops Lalang 2 has commenced......

First, three newspapers were served with show cause letters for reporting on a range of so-called sensitive issues. This was then followed by Raja Petra's arrest under the ISA. Finally, the Tan Hoon Cheng who broke the news about Ahmad Ismail's seditious and racist comments was also arrested under ISA. So let's get this straight.... papers who publish articles that puts UMNO in a bad light is being punished. Raja Petra who critisizes the government gets punished. Tan, who was just doing her job in exposing the dirty racist bastard from UMNO gets punished.... The fellow who makes racist, seditious comments walks away scott-free is rewarded. Is there something wrong with the picture here?

I feel that what the government is doing is basically baiting the electorate. If people come out to protest this issue, the government will implement martial law and claim the opposition is playing up racial issues. All losses suffered by BN during the last election will be negated as all opposition states will be placed under emergency law.

Moral of the story: Its ok to practice dangerous, racist and seditious actions will not be punished but reporting it is againts the law. Oh... I forgot, this behaviour is only ok if you are a ruling party member.


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